Allergen Information

Major allergens associated with our ingredients are summarized in the chart below. If you still have questions, please contact us.

Availability of toppings may vary by store and not all menu items are supported in this guide. Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. The ingredient listings are provided by ingredient manufacturers. Gambino’s Pizza, its franchisees, and employees do not assume responsibility for a particular sensitivity or allergy to any food provided by our stores. The products listed on this website, when made with approved Gambino’s Pizza ingredients, provide the nutritional composition as indicated. Depending on the supplier and location there may be some variance in the information.

Gambino’s menu items are prepared in stores using a common kitchen. As a result, there may be cross-contact between allergens. Customers with an allergen concern should exercise judgment in consuming Gambino’s menu items.